Product Support
Customer Support:
For technical or billing issues please contact our customer service via email: support-rw@softcity.com
License Key Lookup:
Can't find your license key? Use our online lookup: https://www.safecart.com/purchase-lookup/
I purchased PC Speed Maximizer but am being returned to the website to purchase the product again.
I purchased PC Speed Maximizer PRO version but received an error when it tried to install.
How do I uninstall PC Speed Maximizer?
I purchased PC Speed Maximizer but am being returned to the website to purchase the product again.
Resolution: Please activate PC Speed Maximizer:
1. Open PC Speed Maximizer (Start -> Programs -> PC Speed Maximizer folder -> PC Speed Maximizer)
2. Click on the About tab
3. Click on Register
4. Enter name where indicated
5. Enter the license key received via email
6. Click register
7. Restart PC Speed Maximizer
I purchased PC Speed Maximizer PRO version but received an error when it tried to install.
Resolution: Please uninstall PC Speed Maximizer and reinstall PC Speed Maximizer Pro version:
1. Uninstall PC Speed Maximizer:
a. Close PC Speed Maximizer (if open)
b. Click Start > Programs > PC Speed Maximizer
c. Click ‘Uninstall PC Speed Maximizer’
d. Click ‘Yes’ to continue with Uninstall and ‘OK’ when complete2. Download PC Speed Maximizer Pro:
http://fastcdn.avanquest.com/rw/pro/PCSpeedMaximizer_Pro.exe3. Install PC Speed Maximizer Pro
4. Activate with the PC Speed Maximizer Pro license key you received after purchase.
Resolution: Make sure you are entering your correct license key. Receipt numbers are sometimes mistaken for license keys. Please re-check your order information email for your correct license key. Some helpful tips regarding your license key:
1. Copy (Ctrl + c) and paste (Ctrl + v) of your license key is recommended.
2. The correct license key format for PC Speed Maximizer is: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX (four series of four characters).
3. Please note that any 0 in the license key is a zero.
How do I uninstall PC Speed Maximizer?
1. Close PC Speed Maximizer (if open)
2. Click Start > Programs > PC Speed Maximizer
3. Click ‘Uninstall PC Speed Maximizer’
4. Click ‘Yes’ to continue with Uninstall and ‘OK’ when complete
I just completed running a scan and optimizing my PC. When I run the scan again it still shows errors that were not fixed.
Resolution: Make sure you close other programs (including your Internet browser) before you run the final fix (Repair & Optimize, Fix, Clean or Clean-up). This is because PC Speed Maximizer cannot fix or clean up items that are in use by other programs.